Oaks Class
Oaks Class is our KS2 class and it is taught by Miss Gibson, with the support of Mrs T Harrison and Mrs Verwoerd. Mrs S Harrison also supports children in Oaks Class as well as working with children in the other classes too.
In the mornings, Oaks Class splits into two classes: Year 3 and 4, taught by Mrs Page, and Year 5 and 6, taught by Miss Gibson. In the afternoons, these two classes then join together.
Maths, Reading and Writing is taught in the mornings and the rest of the curriculum is taught in the afternoons. The children enjoy learning both indoors and outdoors and enjoy a varied and exciting curriculum which you can see on our curriculum pages. Over the last year, KS2 have made a partnership with a school in India and have enjoyed sharing experiences and learning from each other. Our School Council is also led by some of our KS2 children and they are very proactive, raising money for developing our pond and outdoor area and learning about ways to help improve our impact on the environment and looking at how they can become courageous advocates for positive change in our world.