RE Curriculum

As a school, we have worked closely with the Carlisle Diocese to develop our RE curriculum and scheme of work. We have chosen to follow Questful RE as our curriculum for RE, which is the curriculum adopted by Carlisle Diocese in 2022. It is important to us that our RE curriculum not only teaches children about the religions of the world, but that it is underpinned by our school values of respect, love, perseverance, courage, generosity and friendship. Where possible, we visit places of worship and make links with people from a variety of faiths. We have strong links with our local church and visit it as often as we can for festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Harvest and Ascension.

Click below to see our overviews of what is taught in RE in each Key Stage:

RE Curriculum Long Term Map

RE Skills and Knowledge Progression

Collective Worship

 As a Church of England School, RE and Collective Worship are a high priority for us. Just as important though, is the way we promote our Christian Values at all times and the way in which these, along with our vision, underpin all that we do in school.  

We have collective worship every day in school and this is led by the head teacher, class teachers, local clergy or even by the children themselves! There is a planned programme of themes fro each half term's collective worship, and this is always linked to our school Christian Values, as well as to the Church calendar and other special events that take place nationally throughout the year.

Our school values are:

  • Generosity: We gladly share our things, our time and our love.
  • Courage: We bravely face new challenges with the support of God, our family and our friends.
  • Friendship: We trust, help and support each other.
  • Perseverance: We work hard to achieve our aspirations and never give up.
  • Love: We put others before ourselves and value the love that we receive.
  • Respect: We are thoughtful and considerate to ourselves, others and the environment.



Everyone who visits our lovely school says that they feel a warm welcome. We believe that embracing our Christian Values in the way we do ensures that the relationships we value so much between parents, carers, pupils and staff continue to be a source of great joy and comfort. When you visit we're very confident you'll feel the same way and want to linger.